2015 Major changes for Level III (ignoring minor tweaks on LOSs)
SS2, Reading 3 “Ethics in Practice” has been dropped
SS4, Reading 9 – some LOSs omitted
SS4 (“Private Wealth Management”) has been split into two sessions (SS4 and SS5).
SS6 (“Capital Market Expectations in Portfolio Management”) and SS7 (“Economic Concepts for Asset Valuation in Portfolio Management”) have been combined and renamed to “Applications of Economic Analysis to Portfolio Management”
SS8 (“Asset Allocation”) renamed to “Asset Allocation and Related Decisions in Portfolio Management (1)”
SS9 is a new study session. Reading 19 (“Currency Management: An Introduction”) has been moved from SS14 (Risk Management). Reading 20 “Market Indexes and Benchmarks” is new.
SS9 (“Management of Passive and Active Fixed-Income Portfolios”) is now SS10 (“Fixed-Income Portfolio Management (1)”)
SS10 (“Portfolio Management of Global Bonds and Fixed-Income Derivatives”) is now SS11 (“Fixed-Income Portfolio Management (2)”)
SS12 (“Equity Portfolio Management”) consisting of Reading 24 (“International Equity Benchmarks”) and Reading 25 (“Corporate Performance, Governance and Business Ethics”) has been dropped.
SS14, Reading 28 (“Currency Management: An Introduction”) has moved to SS9 – see above
SS17 (“Performance Evaluation and Attribution”) has been renamed to “Performance Evaluation”