Quartic Training is trying to identify some current or recent CFA candidates who can assist us with developing some classroom materials, in particular CFA Level II item set questions.
In particular, we would like to hear from those of you who:
• Have excellent English writing skills
• Can write clear and unambiguous descriptions of a technical scenario
• Have an imaginative and logical mind
• Are a current or former CFA Level II candidate
• Ideally (but not essentially) have experience writing exam questions
• Have some time to assist us over the next few months.
A Level II item set consists of a case study, ranging from a few paragraphs up to a couple of pages, followed by six three-option multiple choice questions. We are looking to supplement our existing range of questions with an enhanced question bank for use both in class and at home. We need new questions in most topics, but primarily in subjects that have been updated or rewritten for 2013, which are Economics, Pension Accounting (FRA), Real Estate (Alternatives), Credit Analysis (Fixed Income) and Credit Derivatives.
We will provide templates, guidance and full technical support.
You may be resident in any country, but UK applicants must be legally entitled to do paid work.
If you would like to get involved, then please contact us via [email protected], specifying any particular areas of strength.